Monday, February 7, 2011

Message Rocks ~ Rock Painting

Rocks can carry messages!I love rocks. My daughter also loves rocks very much.Rocks that are hand painted you can keep for yourself and place in strategic places to inspire you.That Painted Rocks with messages can be given to loved ones, friends, people you care for.

Amaze your Friends with special rocks painted just for them ! My Little Girl made this to give as a gift for her classmates on Valentines Day.She had fun writing her classmates names on rocks and giving them away.This is a fun project for kids, teens, and adults!

Materials  Needed :-

  • Smooth clean stones
  • Acrylic paint
  • Paint Brushes
  • Mod Podge (optional)
  • Water
  • Plastic Cup for Water


1. Wash your rock to remove dirt. Dry it with a towel and then let it air-dry for 15 minutes.

2. Paint the rock with your desired colour. Let it dry  completely.Once that is dry, paint the rock with another layer. It gives a nice rich color that way.

4. Then turn the rock and paint it and keep it for drying.

5. Once your paint is dry you may wish to put a coat of Mod Podge on as a sealer.

6. So just go ahead and brush it on nice and thick...don't worry, it dries clear! Let them dry completely.

 7. Once everything is dry,You can start writing the message  you might like on your rocks...the sky is the limit just use your imagination! Let it dry completely.

You can write messages such as:
  • Rock on
  • You rock
  • Love
  • Hope
  • Smile
  • Laugh
  • Hugs
  • Cheers
  • Thanks
  • You can also write your Friends Names

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